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Columbia Shuttle Jokes

Are you any good at crosswords??
If so can you phone N.A.S.A. They cannot get seven down
Thanks to Magic Marty

President Bush phoned superman & asked him why he did not save the people in th space shuttle!
Superman replied "Because I'm in a fu**ing wheelchair"
Thanks to Magic Marty

They just found a penis in a field in Texas
They think it is a shuttle cock.
Thanks to Magic Marty

What doe NASA stand for?
Need Another Seven Astronauts!
Thanks to Magic Marty

Why is Pepsi the official soft drink of NASA?
They can't keep 7-up.

Why can't the republican's keep politics out of the Columbia investigation?
They keep blaming it on the left wing!

Q : Why did Columbia fall apart?
A: The Jew sold the tiles

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